AC Short Cycling in Garland, TX

Why Is My AC Short Cycling in Garland, TX?

April 25, 2024

Short cycling is one of the most annoying things that can happen to an AC and can greatly upset your comfort this spring in Garland, TX. To address this problem, you first need to understand why it happens. Here are some reasons why your AC might start short cycling.

Low Refrigerant Level

Refrigerant enables air conditioners to absorb heat from a given air parcel, making that air colder. However, the amount of cooling an AC can do in a given cooling cycle depends crucially on the amount of refrigerant it has flowing through it at the time.

If refrigerant leaks out from your AC, this can drastically cut down on the duration of the average cooling cycle, harm your system’s compressor and degrade overall performance. That’s why it’s important to schedule repairs or maintenance and have a professional replace any lost refrigerant.

Age of the System

If nothing appears to be overtly wrong with your AC at any given moment, age always takes its toll. The average life span of a central AC system is about 15 years. Unfortunately, once you get past that point, the probability of failures significantly increases.

Thermostat Issues

A final possibility is that the short cycling you see has no direct relation to the AC itself. Instead, your thermostat might be responsible.

An old thermostat may have faulty electrical wires, poor Wi-Fi connectivity, or other issues that might send improper signals to your AC at inappropriate times. This could easily result in short cycling. HVAC technicians must examine your thermostat before confidently diagnosing the source of any AC short cycling.

Short cycling can disrupt your AC’s rhythm, wear out its components, and leave you in a stuffy atmosphere in Garland, TX. Don’t tolerate it. Instead, call Quality 1 Energy Systems Heating & Air Conditioning and ask for AC repair services.

Image provided by iStock

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